Themes section updates (January 2014)

    Our contributor gjr released his new great them zpBase a few day ago. He sadly has abandoned all of his older themes and plugins now because of lacking time maintaining them. 

    Therefore we moved copies of all his themes we had copies of to our unsupported GitHub repository being the archive of old abandoned ZP stuff. The themes zpFocus, zpMinimal and zpMasonry had been generally updated to work with Zenphoto 1.4.5 by acrylian a while ago. You can see the status of all other things on gjr's contribution page.

    Also gone are all themes and plugins by contributor The Whole Live To Learn as the linked website appears to be gone. His flag_language_selector plugin is obsolete anyway as its functionality is already part of the official dynamic-locale plugin. We found copies of the themes and put those on the repository as well. Those are probably (well, for sure) not compatible anymore.

    The sites of micheall and gdodinet seem also to be gone and so are some themes and plugins. We also added those theme copies we found to have to the archive. Micheall  fortunately has put some of his plugins on GitHub.

    As always, we don't and can't provide support for these but may occasionally update themes to work with current Zenphoto versions. If t is not too much work.

    If you read this and are the developer of these themes but just forgot to tell your new website address let us know via the obvious channels.

    For questions and comments please use the forum or discuss on the social networks.