Zenphoto.org now Zenphoto only!

    zp-to-wp-imageOur main website was driven by several systems since the release of Zenphoto 1.1 in 2007:

    • Wordpress for news, extensions and user-guide sections
    • Zenphoto itself of course for the showcase, themes and screenshots sections
    • trac for the bugtracker
    • bbpress for the forum

    Zenphoto evolved greatly since then and is now able to take over the Wordpress parts itself.

    Yes, your read correctly. We have indeed abandoned Wordpress! Against the trends! It's not that we don't like Wordpress anymore. We do. Really. But you probably can agree with us that we like to run our own site with our own product as much as possible. This also is a great showcase for Zenphoto being more than "just a web gallery". We found this an overdue step.

    The site now uses our own CMS plugin Zenpage and the import was done using our Wordpress import utility. The theme for the site includes a quite a bit of custom theme coding.

    Of course the site is not really Zenphoto only as the forum and bugtracker will be kept as they are and we really have no means to make Zenphoto do those as well.

    We created rewrite rules for the old Wordpress links. But if you subscribed to our RSS feed we suggest to update your subscription. If you encounter any broken links, glitches or else we missed (we surely did miss something!) let us know on the forum.

    For questions and comments please use the forum or discuss on the social networks.