
pink clouds

A pink cloud theme for ZenPhoto. It uses the built-in scriptaculous ajax library jquery libary to create mouse-over fade effects.

Layout specific plugins supported:

Date added: 2007-11-09 07:40:11

This theme has been abandoned by its original developer and we provide it for archival purposes y "as is". We may sometimes roughly update it but cannot promise full compatibility with current ZenphotoCMS releases. Contributions are welcome.

Please note: You cannot download this theme individually but only the package with all unsupported themes.

Rating 4.0 (8 votes)

This theme has been abandoned by its original developer and we provide it for archival purposes y "as is". We may sometimes roughly update it but cannot promise full compatibility with current ZenphotoCMS releases. Contributions are welcome.

Please note: You cannot download this theme individually but only the package with all unsupported themes.

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