

Lets you create custom menus and place them on your theme pages. Use the Menu tab to create your menus. Use printCustomMenu() to place them on your pages. This plugin (…)


Provides functions to print a tag cloud/list of all image tags from an album (optionally including the subalbums) or the album tags including sub album tags. Or alternatively a tag cloud/list of all tags used by either Zenpage news articles or (…)


A quota management system to limit the sum of sizes of uploaded images. Set the default quota on the plugin options page. You can change the quota for individual users on the Admin tab. Users with ADMIN_RIGHTS or (…)


JavaScript thumb nav plugin with dynamic loading of thumbs on request via JavaScript. Place printjCarouselThumbNav() on your theme's image.php where you want it to appear. Supports theme based (…)


Provides automatic hitcounter counting for Zenphoto objects  


Provides the means to set an limit of the number of images that can be uploaded to an album in total. Of course this is bypassed if using FTP upload or ZIP files! If you want to limit the latter you need to use the quota_manager plugin (…)


A backend plugin that displays the lastest news articles from the RSS news feed from on Zenphoto's backend overview page. An adaption of RSS Extractor and Displayer (c) 2007-2009 - License Mozilla 1.1.

Forum to be closed down

Note: This is of course an April Fool's joke..:-) We have long thought about this and we don't do it lightheartedly but we will not provide the free and extensive support we have provided in the past (…)


This is an example filter for 'admin_login_attempt' Note: Your server must be configured so that your php scripts run as the owner of the files they create otherwise this script will fail due when file security (…)

Drag and drop sorting issue in Zenphoto 1.2.9

Sadly we just found out that the update to jQuery 1.4.2 breaks our drag and drop sorting for albums and Zenpage pages. However, the fix is rather easy. Just replace the jquery.js within zp-core/js/jquery.js with the jQuery 1.4.1 release. (…)